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Saturday, March 31, 2007


I have come across the following ad. in Feb. 2007 issue of ‘Electronics For You’ magazine. Set your goals high and try:

“We are in need of following projects on a tech transfer basis including +ive/-ive, Source code, Documents etc. Immediate payment.

1. Gas/PIR sensor RF 2. Smoke Sensor RF 3. Dialler 4. Access Control 5. DAQ systems
6. Altera/pic projects 7. Internet card 8. Smart card reader 9. Thumb reader/Biometrics
10. GSM card & allied projects 11. Stepper/DC motor control 12. Servo motor card
13. PC addon ûp systems 14. RFID projects.
Contact: NIMBUS, Pune.
Email: Phone:09890002075.”

Give reference in the body of your letter :

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